As a child, I was fascinated with dimples (I still am). My best friend Ekta had the deepest dimples in the whole wide world and the whole school swooned whenever she smiled. When she was chosen to play the little princess in our school play ‘Princess and the frog’, I was convinced that the non existence of dimples stood between me and super stardom.
I spent many a nights sitting in front of the mirror with pencils stuck in my cheeks, hoping that they leave behind dimples. I tried smiling by sucking my cheeks in, I tried poking fingers into my cheeks when smiling, I tried praying to God and asking for dimples but nothing seemed to work.
A trip to my native place revealed that my maternal grandmom had dimples that put Ekta’s dimples to shame. My badi mami too had a faint dimple on her right cheek. How, I wondered, did I manage to skip the dimple gene when everyone around me seemed to be blessed by them? My mom who was pakkaued by my dimple fetish chose to ignore my questions while my granny and mami encouraged me by letting me poke my little finger into their cheeks when they smiled.
It was then that I realised that the dimples were a result of missing teeth. While my granny had no teeth at all, my mami had a wisdom tooth removed, leading to the formation of those gorgeous dimples. That summer I pestered my mom to let me get dental extractions so that I could get a couple of dimples, but my mom just didn’t want a pretty daughter (*sobs*)
Not the one to give up easily, I kept looking for ways that would get me my prized dimples. Hope came in the way of Asha aunty, my mom’s best friend. Asha aunty had an unnatural dimple which was formed when she fell on a pointy rock as a child. Her dimple was different. It didn’t come up when she smiled. It was always there. That was the best, most awesomest dimple ever. That dimple could kick Ekta’s dimple’s butt like a million times.
And I wanted it.
After several unsuccessful attempts at finding a pointy rock, I had a brainwave. Picking up a pair of scissors, I marched into my room and with all the precision my trembling hands could manage, I snipped a tiny cut into my right cheek. The fountain of blood that started pouring out freaked me and I went running back to mom who took me to the doctor. That week was filled with loads of shoutings from the elders and wide eyed stares of respect from my cousins. Inspite of the pain, I slept soundly, proud that I finally had the perfect dimple.
Epilogue: The dimple (or to be really honest, the tiny dent) stayed on my cheek for nearly 2 years before finally fading away. This is my brother’s favourite dinner time story, the one he usually narrates to embarrass me. I, on the other hand, keep praying for some miracle which will get me that coveted dimple.
OMGG.... ROFLLLLL!!!!!!!!...... I was obsessed with dimples too.... but I was a smart kid, I knew they were actually muscle deformation :P :D (ya all of 10 years old, I was that knowledgeable! :P).... But man you are adventurous :P :D
OMG you cut your cheeks? :O :O
But lol yeah my whole family has dimples and i don't get them at all.
As a kid I'd say i got them, but nobody else seemed to be able to see them :P
You didn't really cut yourself! I'm damn sure you don't have the guts to even if u r mad enuf :P
as Ice Maiden said, it is a muscle dysfunction .. :D that is how i used to puncture the bloated egos of those who actually had dimples with this..but even i had the dimple fetish..though I guess it would be hard to compete with you on that one..funny incident :D
its hilarious..I had fun reading your Awesome Dimple Post!!
ha haaaa ..u r sure an obsessed person... I had an obsession to get lips like Hema Malini..Hahaaa haaha
which I still remember!!!
Lol! Once upon a time, I wanted dimples too. My laughing lines get mistaken for dimples nowadays -- so I no longer feel the need to have them :D
I ve been tellin my mom since time immemorial tht i m gonna marry someone with dimples so tht atleast my kids wud be lucky enuff to get em...
Well, I am cute enough without dimples... but then i jus cant stop wishing I cud get one too...
Arent they the cutest additions u cud have on ur face???
Lovely Post... Loved it to the core :)
LOl! So obsessed with dimples that you cut your cheek... OMG! I love dimples too but never wanted them so badly :P.
Awww....to the line “my mom just didn’t want a pretty daughter”
Super hilarious post!
I hope Ekta dimple’s butt gets kicked sometime soon....
And also the respect from your cousins and blog followers like me continues to grow:-)
And also let your brother too have some good laugh...that’s what all brothers are for actually:-)
But seriously...so super cute:-)
LOL... back 2 ur crazy self !!! Love ur crazy stories !!!!
thats some nerve you have there. although i have to say, this is not really a story to be embarrassed about since it wud have taken a really smart kid to think of this way out. next time, you can tell your brother to embarrass you with another story, this one isnt one of them :D
full points for determination! : )
My bro has one right under his left eye!:)..weird site...just like him:P...and me a chotu one on both cheeks...never caught anyone's attention...thanks to him!
hahaha :P even i m fascinated by dimples...
btw abhay deol's dimple cheeks <3
@Annie: Wow u were one smart kiddo :)
Me found out abt the muscle deformation thingi recently when I was goggling for ways to develop dimples naturally :P
@Harini: LOL! Yup, I do that too..i point at mirrors and show my mom dimples which only I seem to be able to see :)
@KA: I did!! You have no idea how mad I am!
Do u want me to cut ur cheeks and prove it? :P
@TM: Welcome to FB :)
My dimple fetish has made me do a lot of mad things :)
@Harman: Lips like Hema Malini!! Seriously??? LOL!
@Dhanno: **Soo J** :p
@Watz in a name: I want a dimply hubby too..Abhay deol will do :P
Glad u loved the post :)
@NIM: Yup, I kno!
@Harini: Main thodi crack hai re :P
@Suruchi: Thank you, thank you and thank you :)
Waise, I have a few stories which I use to embrss my bro..kabhi woh bhi sunayegi :P
@Anu: Thank you :)
@Bliss: Haan re, main smart bhi hai and brave bhi :)
@Falaxy: Thank you and welcome to FB :)
@Raksha: WOw, under his eye!!Thatz weird alrite :)
Welcome to FB :)
@g3: I kno..Abhay Deol <3 <3 <3
woman u r a psychopath!! STAY AWAY FROM matches and scissors!!
You are just like the The Joker of Batman...with a dimple fetish rather than smile fetish...
"Let me carve u a dimple" spoookyyy!!
hahah I am so glad I never had a fetish like yours :P
but it's so hilarious :D
take care
I'm so happy that I have very little..tiny little dimple when i smile... the one which only i certify as a dimple.
LOL @ your post....needi say that you're awesome??
hahaha.. pagal ladki.. :P
Even i have this dimple fetish.. go gaga over them.. ;;) Never knew it was a result of muscle deformation.. Thanks Ice Maiden for enlightening such dumb souls like me.. :P
And hey shanu..I will be having four of my teeth extracted this month due to braces.. :D So will I also be getting the much coveted dimples after that??! Wow.. now im eagerly waiting for the painful..naah naah.. dimple forming tooth extractions..!! :P :))
had read this ages back/and assumed that i commented.. hehe.. Awwwwwwwwwwwww u want dimples so badly re... wish i cud lend u one
and abhay deolllllll aaaah shanu chal usey patate hein..let me cme to mumbai next year..and we shall find him some how..chahe photo hi khinchwayein bas..milenge ok..star stuck ladies..rather dimple struck..:)
love u ladki.. for thy innocence and courage to narrate your brother's favourite and your "weak nerve" with such great expression..
you surely can laugh on yourself..
@BF: Tat was the rudest comment ever...!!
Me likes :P
@Rainboy: Thank you :) and welcome to FB
I have tiny ones near my lips..which u can see only if u try kissin me ;)
Nahi toh baaki duniya ke liye i m dimple-less :(
Yes, pls say it agn..i love hearin it :P
@Sangi: Wisdom teeth nikal rahi hai toh deflty form honge dimples..flaunt karna :)
@Sunshine: Pakka tu Mumbai toh aa jaan..its a date :)
Completely binding. what a story, and definitely well told. :) (a smile with the faintest dimples)
Are you for real!
All that for a dimple? :)
One freaky woman :) Loved the way you narrated the story :)
hi Shanu it has been a long time since I visited your blog ! It has also been a ong time since you blogged!!!! Anyhow, you're hilarious :)
where are u...its been one month
And all that for a dimple?!?!?!
Finally got around to reading this and dunno what to comment as everyone has already said whatever that had to be said about this cute (n slightly wierd) tale :P
dimples make anyone gorgeous :) but scissors for the cause? daring indeed! :D
"A child is a curly, dimpled lunatic.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson :)
happ new year..2011 have a good one!
Obsessed hmm
TO be specific :
Glamorous!!! Eye-catching!!! Smart!!! Striking!!!
So .... still hunting .
- Mayank Saxena
Ah ha! Strange, people try to get rid of pimples but long for dimples, even though pimple and dimple rhyme. Maybe dimple is an inverted pimple.
That was a lame joke; but who cares. :P
awrd award for you....come to my blog!
shanu i really love your blog and i hate the fact that you have not written anything on it for so many days
@Oof ya:
Your comment made my day :)
Thanks :)
@ shanu:
I have read your blog again and again...now please some more new posts!!! :)
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