Last Dassera, I bought my first car..a shiny new Santro. She was the most beautiful car I had set my eyes on. Shiny silver...she stood there waiting for me to take her on the drive of her life. Like all things I own I had to name her...I blv nothing is lifeless...all things have feelings and emotions and you need to refer to them with respect. So everything in my house - from the bed to the rug - has a name....Back to the naming...I named her Paro (short for Parvati)..it was my mom's idea actually..she thought it went with my personality ***rolls eyes***
Vishnu my trusty driver looked at me and beamed...and like in some hindi movie..all the words of encouragement that he had showered on me during my car driving training days started echoing in my head "Baby aap toh Baba(he calls my bro Baba) se bhi jyada acha chalate ho", "Baby toh do din main car ko office le jaa sakegi" as I tried to zoom away to glory. But yeah kya..no matter how hard I tried..Paro refused to move...."Vishnukaka help" I said with puppy eyes....and Vishnukaka my driver in shining new uniform saved the day for me by getting Paro home.
Paro and I share a strange relationship...no matter how hard I try we havent been able to gel. One of my friends suggested that maybe..just maybe..she didnt like the name Parvati..and I should consider changing it...but wat does he know about cars and names!! My dad's car is quite wel behaved and lets me drive it (ya it...coz i havent named it...it was bought bfr I was born..and i cant name some1 older thn me now can I??) arnd peacefully. Paro on the other hand..tends to end up embarrsing me every time I take her out for a drive.
Like the last time when I decided to take her for a spin...as alwayz she refused to move..and when she did...she moved at speeds that were meant for the F1 race and not for Mumbai's road...I ended up returning home with a bruised bumper and a bruised ego (got a ticket for speeding). But that wasn't the end of it..I had more humiliation in store...Paro decided she will suddenly stop moving when I reached the gates of my complex.
Consider the setting...uncles out on evening walks with aunties...tiny babies in strolleys with their mommies, kids younger to me zipping in and out in their cars effortlessly and ad
The sea of milk spread across the complex gate brought all the uncles and aunties and kiddos and moms with their strolleys to my car..and murmurs of lady driver hai....aur kya karegi started...when out of nowhere Vishnukaka came to my rescue yet again..and whisked Paro and me away.
Its been 4 month since I have last touched Paro...my sis drives her without much trouble..but I havent been able to figure out why she (Paro not my sis) hates me soo much...My friend still insists that my car didn't like the name Paravati and this is her way of revolting...but I dont really agree...Any other thoughts??
amazing...damn hilarious...how paro killed champakali...lol!!
i think ur car is a guy..and hates the name coz it is a girl's name...
try changing d name..it bruises his masculine ego...
u sure do hv a knack of comin up wid uber-cool names...champakali...lol...phunny!!!
@ iceprincess
Will try changing his/her name to purshottam (my granny's suggestion)..do u think it mite help matters??
@ Blunt edges
Thnks...with this naming talent imagine wat my kids are gonna have to face ***evil laugh***
This post should be dedicated to Vishnukaka :D
Champakali? OMG!
new post up.Drop by when time permits :)
hey good blog. thx for droppin bi on my blog. keep droppin.
Mine is named Vinnie and she has a label for herself on my blog. Paro looks to have a bright future too on urs.
Don't worry about her, she'll come around to like u soon :).
Thnks :)
@ Brownphantom
I hope she does...I hate driving my dad's car arnd :(
You have a car? You have a driver? You are young? What company do you work for!!!
funny post :P
Lol..the car is mine but the driver's salary comes from my dad'd pockets ;)
wow.. change car's name to some guy's name :P
@ Sowmi
Ya I guess thats the final recourse :P
read to know about Paro !! interesting !!
Amazing post! Champakali!! Lol :D The last I heard this was someone calling out with this name and me responding. You write amazingly well :-)
name the car chandramukhi, are u sure paro is a female?? it can be a male kya pataa...
@Pretty Me
Thanks :)
@Stillness Speaks
Lol...dont tell me u respond to Champakali...RFLMAO!!
Thanks for the compliment!
Ya that seems to be the general opinion..I guess i will have to rename him after all :(
well, solving this name dilemma..try and coax "paro" to change her name to something Unisex like Kiran OR something ubercool like The Hulk :P
watssay??? :P
baap re baap! Paro??!!!
Car ka naam chandramukhi rakh leti!!! Paro?? Chal, compro kar le and rename it to Chandra/Chandu... better yet, rename it to Chaand - It goes well as the moonlight is also silver!
Yeh naam se to bail-gaadi bhi naa chale!
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